Capstone project: Simulating a Neutral Atom Quantum Device#

Welcome to the capstone project at the end of this tutorial series. In the project you’re going to use everything you’ve learned this week to write your own simulated quantum computer that can run simple circuits.

The goal is to eventually be able to write code that looks like this:

circuit = NeutralAtomCircuit(atoms)

# Pretty sequence of rotations the form a closed loop (on qubit 0)
circuit.rx(0, np.pi / 4)
circuit.rz(0, np.pi / 4)
circuit.ry(0, np.pi / 4)

And perhaps to add support for two qubit gates at the end.

You’ll be given an outline of the NeutralAtomCircuit class and you’ll need to implement the physics for the gates.

Don’t worry about going slowly. In the longer term its much more beneficial to do a little bit that you understand well, rather than a lot that you understand poorly.


This is quite a complex project, so you’ll want to break it down into steps. Don’t be afraid to update the list of steps as you go. You’ll be learning more about the task at every step. Here is an initial list of steps for you to start with:

  • Reading the provided lecture notes:

  • Read section 2, Description of the physical system from Pulser: An open-source package for the design of pulse sequences in programmable neutral-atom arrays. Don’t try read the whole paper!

  • Open the solution outline and read it thoroughly. Don’t write any code – just look at it and think about each method you’ll need to implement.

  • In another notebook, write the control Hamiltonian for a single qubit. You can start by just writing one term for the Hamiltonian, and then add the other term later.

  • Use sesolve to evolution the single qubit in time with different control pulses. Plot the evolution either on the Bloch sphere or by taking expectation values.

  • Implement RX(theta), RY(theta), and RZ(theta) for your single qubit. Try them out and check that they work individually.

  • Run the simple circuit from the example we gave right at the top. If you display the states on the Bloch sphere, you should see a pretty pattern.

  • Triple check that everything is working perfectly with a single qubit! Put many different initial states through many different combinations of operations. Keep trying to find errors in your implementation until no matter how hard you try, you can’t think of new things to check.

  • Do the step above again.

  • Now add a second qubit. Add the required terms to the Hamiltonian. Update rx, ry, and rz to operate on the specified qubit.

  • Check everything again!

If you get this far, you’ve done great! Take a moment to celebrate.

Worked solutions#

Once you have made a solid attempt on your own, here are two worked solutions that you can look at if you get stuck or if you would like to read a different solution for comparison.

The first is an exploratory notebook that shows how you might go about trying things out and testing and improving your understanding of the system.

The second is a more complete cleaned up solution.

Further things to do#

It’s unlikely that you’ll get to everything above in a single day. But if you do get to them, whether it’s during the project day or afterwards, here are some things you could try next:

  • Implement the CZ (controlled Z-gate) on two qubits. This itself is an involved task:

    • Turn your qubits into a qutrits – i.e. make each a state formed from the three basis states, \(|0>\), \(|1>\), and \(|r>\) where \(|r>\) is the Ryberg state.

    • Update you Hamiltonian and gates to act correctly on the new qutrits.

    • Check everything again!

    • Add the Rydberg interaction terms to your Hamiltonian.

    • Add control terms to the Hamiltonian for driving the qutrits into their \(|r>\) states.

    • Implement the CZ gate using the protocol suggested in the paper above.

    • Try out simple circuits using CNOT.

    • Check everything as thoroughly as you can.

    • Celebrate! This was a big task.

Even further extensions:

  • Implement more gates.

  • Add dissipaton and other environmental noise to the implementation using mesolve and collapse operators. Look at how this affects the performance of gates and circuits. Try design better control pulses for these noisy gates.

  • The QASM (Quantum Assembly) is a very simple programming language for describing quantum circuits. Learn how it works and try a program that will take QASM as input and run the circuit on your simulator.

  • Implement a visual simulator that shows what is happening as a circuit is run.

All of the tasks in this section are quite significant projects themselves. You are most definitely not required to work on them. Only start one if you’re very excited to work on it and have the free time to spend on it.

And that’s the end! Keep using QuTiP, learning physics and asking questions.